5 Tell-Tale Signs He Is Not The One For You, And It’s Time To Move On
5 Signs How To Know If Someone Isn t Right For You
Let’s say you’ve been going out with a guy for some time now, but there are some nagging doubts in the back of your mind. You’re not sure whether he’s the right person for you to take that next step with. It’s understandable – you’d be surprised how many other people go through periods of doubt and still end up having a successful relationship. We’re going to look at some of the key signs that say: he’s not right for you.

The way he looks at other women
This is one of the best ways to find out if he’s really as into you as he says he is. And it’s not just how he looks and interacts with women when he’s with you – but how he treats them when you’re not around. If you constantly catch him checking out or ogling other ladies, chances are high that you’re not the only woman for him.
He flirts too much with other women
While many men are flirtatious, some guys take it too far. If he’s flirting with other women while your with him, then you have to wonder what he’d get up to when you’re not around. Most guys have their guard up when they’re with their other half, so if he’s misbehaving when you’re around then that’s a pretty big clue that there might be more going on when you’re not. But be careful – he might just be a naturally flirtatious and friendly guy – that’s not evidence of cheating in itself.(1)
Awkward silences
Everyone needs some quiet time, but this is one of the key indicators of whether or not you’re right for each other. Whilst some awkwardness is understandable in the beginning of a relationship, especially when both of you might be nervous on your first few dates – if it goes on too long then you just might not have the right chemistry together.
His unwillingness to commit
Most men are very reluctant to commit, it’s in their nature. However, there are some situations where enough is enough – and you shouldn’t stand for any more vague declarations of independence. You might have been going out for a while, spending nearly every day together – yet he still won’t let you call him your boyfriend. That’s a rather big clue that he’s trying to leave his options open.(2)
How your heart feels
Whilst evaluating the pros and cons might be helpful – that’s not how relationships really work. When it comes down to it, how you actually feel deep down in your heart can be the most important factors in deciding if he’s the right man for you. Common logic might be screaming that you’re not compatible but if your heart really wants him, that’s as good as anything. Sometimes two wrongs can make a right.
- Don’t feel bad about dropping your love interest if they exhibit signs of being a loser
- Going After Your Dream Girl? Three Steps to Mastering your Self Confidence
- How To Flirt Online – dating advice
Whilst some relationships are plain-sailing – many have to be worked at. Don’t worry if you’re not sure what step you should take next, at the end of the day only you know what’s right for you.