How To Flirt Online
how to flirt online dating
Offline when we meet someone we communicate our regard in many ways. Not only do we show off our verbal prowess, but we also flirt in subtle ways with our body language. On the internet you don’t get to use that kind of language (unless you’re on a web cam, and that still doesn’t convey everything). So how do you flirt on the internet?

Toby from Salem, MA writes:
“I want to meet girls online and I joined a dating site. But I don’t really get how this is done. I’m used to being able to look at a girl a certain way to get her attention. I don’t think that’s going to work on the internet. How do I flirt online, especially on chat?”
Hi there Toby. Flirting online, like flirting offline, is an art form. It takes practice, just as socializing offline takes practice. Many of the skills are the same, but some are unique to the online setting. Flirting offline and online share verbal elements in common. Just as you strive to be witty and charming offline with your words, you can do the same online. Crack jokes like you would offline, and find ways to put intensity into words.
You’re definitely going to want to learn how to use emotes. There are several different ways to emote online. One way is to use emoticons. This is a good start, but sending someone a 😉 (that’s a wink if you don’t know) is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to emoting. Lots of people online now use the same technique that online text based gamers use to communicate in role-playing games. Basically, type out what you’d be doing if you were in the same room, in present tense, as though you are doing it in reality. Think of the chat room as an actual virtual “space” which you make real through the quality of your interaction. You can enclose your emotes inside of dashes or stars to denote them as emotes and organize your conversation. For example, instead of typing the 😉 emoticon for a wink, you can type something like this:
Winks at you slyly
Grins mischievously
It’s an odd system to get used to if you’re new to it, and yes, perhaps a bit nerdy since it has its roots in online gaming, but it also conveys far more about your personality and your creativity than typing a pre-established emoticon. You’ll also discover quickly that a lot of people are used to using this system to communicate online, and after a while you’ll stop being so self conscious about it. It’ll just become second-nature and you’ll interpret it all in your imagination as actual actions. It’s the closest proximity of getting to know someone physically in a virtual environment aside from a web cam. Proving you have a unique personality and a creative and quick wit is part of what flirting is all about, right[1]? So plunge in, see how creative you can get, and have fun flirting online. And don’t forget to actually turn on your webcam or pick up the telephone at some point if you find a special lady on chat, and flirt a bit in the good old fashioned way! Finding out you’re compatible on the level of voice and video is the next step after finding out you chat well together.
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