6 Ways how to build emotional attraction with a man
6 Ways how to create emotional attraction with a man
Imagine there’s this great guy in your life and you’re really starting to like him. He calls you, initiates plans, and is very affectionate when you’re together. Your feelings for him are getting really strong, but in the back of your mind you’re worried because you’re not totally sure where his feelings are or if he wants to be in a relationship with you.

Now, what is the best way to win him over and attract him:
1) Tell him everything you’re feeling about him in hopes that your passion will inspire him to have feelings about you.
2) Be complimentary, do him favors, give him advice, and generally be as sweet and generous as you possibly can.
3) Sleep with him in the hopes that it’ll intensify the connection you two have for each other.
4) Find accidental ways to run into him or be where he is, so that you can spend time with him—even though he didn’t invite you or ask you to come. (Read: 5 Romantic Ways To Ask A Girl Out).
5) Make him prove he’s a good guy by constantly raising doubts about
how sincere his feelings and intentions really are.
6) Find excuses to be upset with him and therefore not feel anything for him at all, because you’re afraid of getting hurt.
Ok, this was kind of a trick question, because the answer is—you do none of the above!
If you’re like most women who’ve made mistakes like this with men, you were probably surprised that the outcome didn’t match what you intended. One minute things are moving along great, and the next he does “a 180” and is gone. That’s because any or all of these strategies will kill any attraction a man has for you, especially in the beginning when you’ve just started to get to know each other.
When you make the mistake of using these 6 strategies to help a relationship grow, you take on the role of what I call a “Convincer” in a relationship. You think that just because you feel a certain way about him, he should feel the same way about you.
Let me be as clear as possible if you’ve ever tried to talk a man into liking you—people don’t like you just because you like them.
So how do you create attraction instead of killing it? Attraction is created when a man has an experience with a woman that isn’t something predictable or ordinary. If he can predict the next thing you’ll say or do, he won’t become emotionally engaged with you. Unless you’re a supermodel and all you care about is having a man just be physically attracted to you, telling a man something he’s heard a million times before just sends him the message that there is nothing new and exciting to experience when he’s with you.
My favorite example of being unpredictable in conversations is to answer “What do you do for a living?” with something that’s an obvious but funny lie.
“I drive a trash truck. But it’s really rewarding and I get free recycling.”
Say it with a sly smile on your face to let the man know you’re teasing. He’ll love this kind of banter.
The bottom line is, a man wants a woman and wants a relationship with her because of the way she makes him feel. This is why creating Emotional Attraction is so important if you want to engage a great guy for something more than just a fling.
Think playful, before thinking too deep. Deep is great when you get there, but playful never hurts with a man.
In the meantime, best of luck with Life and Love,