3 Steps how will he want me back and keep a secure relationship
keep a secure relationship and get rid of relationship anxiety
Have you ever had a man break up with you and you felt it was because he was afraid of commitment? Or maybe you’re in a relationship with a man who isn’t as in love with you as you are with him? It can feel downright awful to be less secure and satisfied with a relationship, despite spending a lot of time and energy trying to make it work.
But what if you could double or even triple the likelihood of a quality man sticking around long enough to create a solid, exciting, authentic, secure relationship full of passion and connection?

Here’s a simple, 3-step process for allowing an amazing relationship to blossom in your life, no matter how things are between you right now.
Create a Space
If you make space, lean back and stop pressuring a man or asking him for more time, more affection, more commitment, more connection… the man will naturally start to gravitate toward you. If you have a clear idea of what you want and have already communicated that, then lean back and allow your man to come to you. Avoid nuances, criticism or manipulation. That rarely gets you what you want, and will actually push him further away from you.
Avoid Managing or Criticizing Him
One of the most common ways that women drive men away is by constantly identifying mistakes a man is making, or ways that a man makes them unhappy, or what he should be doing. Then they point these out all the time, over and over.
How do you know if you’re doing this? Ask yourself if you’ve ever said these kinds of things to a man:
- “Maybe you should (insert piece of advice here).”
- “How come you haven’t done that yet?”
- “I hate it when you do that.”
Even if you didn’t intend it, the man will feel that you are judging or criticizing him. If you do this enough, you might make a man feel more fearful of his ability to make you happy, and he’ll start to doubt if he should even be in a relationship with you.
Become Inter-Dependent, Not Independent
Many smart, independent women think that being “independent” is a trait that men value in a woman. And for the most part, they’re right. An independent woman is a woman who can stand on her own two feet and doesn’t need constant approval from a man. She isn’t afraid to be herself and do the things that are fulfilling to her, such as spending time with her friends or enjoying a certain hobby.
But for many women, being “independent” means something a little different. To them, it means not needing a man. It means having their own life and doing their own thing, regardless of what a man wants or thinks. This can lead to all kinds of strain in a relationship.
Instead of being independent in that context, be INTER-dependent, which means balancing your needs and desires with his in a respectful and mutually-enhancing way.
Take these 3 simple steps today and turn your relationship from being a source of worry and frustration for you, to being much easier and more connected.