How To Get A Date
How to Date
It may seem like everyone around you is getting dates all the time. What’s their secret? How do you find someone you can connect with and potentially share a future with? If you already have found someone interesting, how do you get that person to spend some time with you?

Joseph from Simi Valley, CA writes:
“I’m in my twenties and most of my friends are getting dates. I hear about their new girlfriends or boyfriends or love interests all the time, but I don’t understand how they’re meeting people. I can’t meet people at work, because my office is small and I know everyone. Should I be going online to do it? If I do meet a nice girl, how do I get her to go out with me? Am I the only single guy out there these days who can’t figure this out?”
It’s always easy to feel like the only single guy in the world, especially when everyone you know has no problem hooking up with new girlfriends and boyfriends. Actually finding someone worth hooking up with can be a different story however. Don’t just ask how to get a date—ask how to get a good date with someone you could potentially go out with for a long time.
The internet is a place you can meet people. You can also try and meet people offline, but depending on your area you may not have as many opportunities as friends in bigger cities. Common ways to meet dates in real life include going to church or another religious gathering, taking classes, joining clubs or teams, or participating in other local social activities. Not that many people just randomly meet new dates while walking down the street—chance meetings get harder and harder the older you get too.
On the internet you can access an unlimited pool of other singles who are trying to meet people, just like you. You may want to try looking in your geographical area online so that you can meet a girl you can actually meet in person early on. Online dating can work, but I’m guessing you want to get an offline date from the way you phrased your question. Not only that, but as you get older it can get easier and easier to want to slip into a fantasy pipe dream of a relationship instead of search for a viable relationship in the real world. The temptation is lesser when you can meet someone in person, and it’s more likely you’ll find someone you are compatible with and may be able to build a future with.
How do you actually get someone online to go out with you? It’ll probably take you a while to get the hang of online dating, but really what you’re looking to do is just initiate a meaningful conversation. There are a lot of single women who want to go out with someone just as much as you do, so if you strike up a good correspondence with someone online, it could easily lead to a date in person.
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