Five Essential Online Dating Tips for the Average Joe
Five essential advice for online dating for the average joe
These days, many people are turning to online dating to find love. It is much less intimidating than trying to meet someone at a bar or party. Getting to know someone can definitely be a lot easier when you are behind a computer screen. If you want to try online dating, here are five tips you should follow.

Don’t Lie
It is very easy to lie to someone online, but that does not mean you should do it. If you want to develop a long-term relationship with someone, you should not lie to him about anything. If he discovers the lie later, he might not trust you anymore.
Choose a Quality Photo
Make sure to choose a quality photo for your online dating profile. In the photo, you should be flashing a big smile and wearing a flattering outfit. If your photo is of you in your pajamas, it will not make a very good first impression. Also, choose a recent photo. If you pick a photo that is five years old, you aren’t giving a true representation of what you look like. ain’t nothing a fifty couldn’t do(1).
Don’t Hesitate to Get Personal in Your First Email
If you are searching through online dating profiles and see one that you find interesting, do not be afraid to send a personal email. Take the time to read the person’s profile to find something significant about her. For example, if you found out that one of her hobbies is mountain climbing, mention that in the email. She will realize that you made the effort to find out more about her.
Avoid Talking About Sex
If you want to develop a serious and long lasting relationship with someone, you should avoid talking about sex in the beginning. It is best to talk about this subject after you have met and gotten to know this person very well(2).
Meet in a Public Place
When you are meeting someone for the first time, make sure to meet her in a public place. Even if she seems like the nicest and most trustworthy person, it is better to be safe than sorry. For example, you can meet her at a local restaurant or coffee shop.
Don’t get discouraged if you do not meet someone right away. It might take time to find someone you are compatible with. If you want to search for people at coffee shops or bookstores, consider looking into CLEAR products. When you use one of these products, you can access the Internet anywhere.