The 7 Best Places to Propose
7 Cool places to propose Every Man Should Consider When He’s Thinking Of Where To Propose
The first exciting thing about a wedding is when you propose. You get down on one knee and ask the love of your life to spend the rest of eternity with you while proceeding to slip a ring on her finger that cost you far too much. But that doesn’t matter because she’s worth it and the happiness you will experience for your entire life will make up for it. All of this is starting to sound like a Hollywood movie where two people live happily ever after, so you should start as you mean to go on.

That means finding the perfect place to give her the ring and ask for her hand in marriage. You only get one shot at this, so don’t think you can wing it. The circumstances in which you propose will turn into a saga to be handed down through generations of your family. You want a great story to tell your kids, right? You might not have a clue how to propose, but don’t worry because we can look at some ideas right now. Some of them might seem cheesy and it doesn’t matter because we know girls love them.(1)
- Back to where it began
If you remember the first place you went on a date it could be pretty special. You get to go back to where it all began and it will flood your mind with lots of memories. This option is great if you don’t have lots of money to spend because you are still being thoughtful.
- A tropical island
You could whisk her away to one of the most beautiful places on earth. After you’ve spend the day relaxing in hammocks by the beach you could organize a romantic meal under the stars. Ask her to marry you here and there’s no chance she could say no.
- Up the Eiffel Tower
This is maybe a cliché but it still doesn’t take away the fact she would love it. The best part is she gets a trip to France thrown into the mix. They say Paris is the most romantic city on earth, so it’s only fitting that this is the place you ask her to spend the rest of her life with you.
- Tell everyone with a sign
It would be cool to have a sign erected somewhere on her drive to work. Perhaps you can be in the car with her to point it out in case she misses it. Just make sure the sign is at a point where she will be driving slow, because you don’t want her to get distracted and crash the car.(2)
- On top of the world
If you like nice views then the top of a mountain would be a good place to pop the question. Hopefully there’s a gondola lift there if you don’t want to walk up to the top. When you look out onto the land below you there’s nowhere else you’d rather be.
- A breathtaking structure
There’s plenty of places around the world where people have built the most beautiful structures you could ever imagine. Some of them are older than our calendar and barely standing. If your girlfriend has a fascination with history then asking her to marry you at one of these places would mean something special to her. You have plenty to choose from.
- A surprise party
Maybe you would like to do it in front of the whole family? This would make her feel thrilled and maybe a little embarrassed, but she will definitely feel special. Just make sure she will definitely say yes before you arrange this, because the last thing you need is a red face when she rejects your proposal in front of everyone.