Top 10 Conversation Starters
Top 10 positive conversation starters
Nothing can be more disastrous on a date than running headfirst into the proverbial awkward silence. This article can help you avoid that by providing ten of the top conversation starters out there.
When there’s nothing to talk about, there’s absolutely no reason to date. People can sit down and bore themselves – they don’t need a partner to help out with this.

Not only will the silence ruin your current date or relationship, but it may also leave you scarred with the memory, thus allowing anxiety to settle in and force everything to become awkward. Simply put, not finding the right conversation material can cripple your chances at a relationship.
To help combat this, let’s go over ten of the top conversation starters out there. They’re all easy, nonintrusive and will help to jumpstart the chat.
One: Talk about Not Talking
Allude to the potential awkwardness. This is good for a laugh and may actually ignite the chatting flame.
Two: Talk about Your Day
Coming across self-centered and like a blowhard is never a good idea, but simply giving some highs and lows of your day could be amusing or, at the least, intriguing.
Three: Give a Compliment and Walk Away…
Some daters, especially guys, go overboard on this. Giving one nice compliment is a good way to get a smile and ease into further conversation. Harping on about how hot someone is comes across like a stalker.
Four: Be the “Back” in Back-and-Forth
When your date says something, respond in kind with something related. Help the chat along by engaging in the topic and not trying to change the atmosphere.
Five: Total Recall
Hopefully you paid attention to the conversation that got you this date in the first place. You can always bring up a previous topic/discussion that has worked.(1)
Six: Be a Reporter
Only ask questions that require more than a one-word answer.(2) Don’t ask how someone is. Instead, ask “So, how did things go with_____?” But be careful – you don’t want to come across as a detective.(3)
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Seven: Play Captain Obvious
Look around and find something to bring up that’s obvious. Talk about the place you’re in, the car you’re driving, the movie you just watched, etc.
Eight: Use Your Calendar
If it’s close to a holiday or some sort of event, bring it up in a casual way and make it intriguing. Talking about what you got your brother for his birthday might be a great opening.
Nine: The Set-Up
Guys or girls – ask your date for advice, some help with a problem. Make them feel useful, smart and actually needed.
Ten: Humor Never Hurt
If you can find a tactful, clean joke that’s not offensive, set the stage and introduce some humor into the conversation.
Have any comments? Care to add your suggestions or own personal experiences?(4)