Author: archelys3

weekend getaways: 5 Inexpensive weekend getaways for couples If it’s time for you to get away for the weekend with your loved one, there are many affordable weekend getaway options to consider. Finding the perfect retreat for a weekend with just you and your significant other may be the very thing needed to rejuvenate and…

Five essential advice for online dating for the average joe These days, many people are turning to online dating to find love. It is much less intimidating than trying to meet someone at a bar or party. Getting to know someone can definitely be a lot easier when you are behind a computer screen. If…

First date advice for ladies Once you’ve finally gotten that special guy or gal to say yes to a first date, you’re on your way—or are you? If anything, the pressure only increases at this point as you wonder whether you’re going to impress that special person or make a complete fool of yourself. How…

First Date Conversation Starters So you’ve finally convinced that person you’ve had your eye on to go out with you—but what do you do when you’re sitting together over dinner or a drink? What’s a good conversation topic to break the ice? What topics should you avoid? Ralph from Yonkers, New York writes:“I’m going out…

Financial Infidelity: how to find out if wife is cheating on You With Your Money? Dylan and Stephanie, who have been together for over 10 years without any serious marital issues, suddenly faced a crisis. Since they were married, Dylan had been under the impression that they shared a joint bank account, that they had…

Date Ideas To how to keep relationship exciting Celebrating a special anniversary or simply want to get out there and try something new with the love of your life? If you’re tired of going out to dinner and a movie and really want to surprise him or her, then we have a few neat ideas…

The Origins of Gift Themes for Each Wedding Anniversary Year The tradition of giving a specific type of gift on a certain anniversary year dates all the way back to the Middle Ages. Originally, people believed that giving anniversary gifts by year would bring good luck. The gifts traditionally rose in value over the years,…

how to tell your boyfriend you want to break up When Art Garfunkel, once sang 50 ways to leave your lover he probably didn’t envisage the emotional minefield he referenced. One of the hardest parts of dating is to let someone know you are not interested. Of course, it’s easy to do so abruptly, but…

second date question Asking someone out on a first date is challenging enough, but what’s even more awkward is trying to figure out how and when to ask that person out for a second date if the first one went well. How do you deal with this particular dating dilemma? Here is our general advice…