Author: archelys3

How To Make Friends As A Couple or When You’re Married Trying to make friends is hard enough, but trying to make friends as a couple can be even more challenging. It’s tough enough to find someone who accepts you for who you are; finding someone who accepts you and that special someone in your…

How to Help Your Partner Struggling with Addiction Getting over addiction can be an incredibly difficult journey. However, having even one person by your side as you get over your addiction can make a big difference. Having a partner with an addiction can be difficult to deal with, but there are several ways that you…

How to Have a Successful First Date with Someone You Met Online Let’s be real here, it’s not hard to get a land a date through a dating website if your profile picture is even halfway decent. If you participate in online dating, you’ve probably had TONS of first dates. But do you want quantity…

how to deal with a breakup There are few things tougher where relationships are concerned than their ends. If you’ve had a bad breakup, it can be challenging to move on with your dating life—or your emotional life altogether. It can take months or even years to get over someone sometimes. How can you move…

How to Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back There are few things worse than your girlfriend telling you that your relationship is over—and that she doesn’t want to hear from you again. Fortunately a lot of us have less destructive breakups and more chances to get back together, but even if the worst happens, all hope…

how do you win your boyfriend back Did you just lose that special guy in your life? Don’t give up hope! If you dumped your boyfriend and you decided that you made a mistake, that’s OK. Here is our advice to Michelle, a reader from Tampa Bay, on how to get her boyfriend back. Try…

How To Get A Guy To Like You If a guy catches your eye, you might imagine going out with him and how great it would be but find yourself unable to imagine how to ask him out in the first place. How do you get over that hurdle so you can go out on…

How to Get a Girl’s Phone Number Asking a girl out is tough enough, but before you can do that, you may need to get a girl’s number. Often you meet that really interesting woman at some bar or public place, and before you really get a chance to know her, she’s walking out the…

How to Date It may seem like everyone around you is getting dates all the time. What’s their secret? How do you find someone you can connect with and potentially share a future with? If you already have found someone interesting, how do you get that person to spend some time with you? Joseph from…

i want to have a boyfriend, advise to find a new boyfriend Tired of being alone? Whether you’re getting over a past relationship or you’ve been out of the dating pool for a while, there are always other fish in the sea, as they say. How do you hook a good one? Here is our…