Write For Us!

Calling All Guest Authors!

Are you willing to share your thoughts? Do you have a great story to tell? We’d love to hear from you!

We happily welcomes guest article submissions from writers on topics that relate to online dating, marriage, love and relationships. If you have experience writing, enjoy blogging and have used dating or social networking sites, you are probably an ideal candidate for us. We need submissions that cover items such as news (relating to dating and relationship topics), advice, tips and any dating and relationship insights you may have.

Guest posting allows you to showcase your talent to a related audience and expand your readership. There are a number of reasons to contribute to Couples Advice, including:

  • Expressing your point of view to thousands of visitors every month.
  • Promoting yourself and your business through your signature.
  • Building your writing portfolio.

We do not require professional credentials, but we ask that you:

  • Come up with a good short title for your blog.
  • Images for inclusion in the post are desirable if possible, but not mandatory.
  • Links are acceptable within the post but excessive linking to unrelated content is not.
  • No affiliate codes or referral links are allowed in posts.

Our Guest Authors may include a signature at the bottom of your article which can include a short summary and one link, as well as to a Google + Profile and Twitter Profile. Please send your submission to info including a short bio about yourself (400 characters & spaces), optional photo, and a link to your website. Please title the subject line of your email: GUEST BLOG SUBMISSION. If need be, we will edit approved blogs for content and formatting before posting. Quality is of utmost importance and submission does not guarantee acceptance.