How to Make Him Chase You
How To Get A Man To Chase You
Do you often find yourself working hard to create and maintain relationships? Have you ever wished that guys would make the effort and save you the trouble? Do you ever see average looking girls with packs of guys chasing them around? If so, let’s talk about how you can become the target of such active desire and pursuit.

Man is a notoriously fickle beast. On the surface he is attracted to a woman who does all of the work in the dating game and who focuses entirely on making him happy. But, when a man gets this wish, he inevitably becomes bored and moves on. The truth is that, as the adage says, ‘the journey is the reward.’ He wants to keep striving for this perfect relationship, and when he gets it, he has to feel that he has done so by trying everything he knows to do, and that he could not possibly do better.

So make him bend. Men enjoyed being challenged almost as much as they enjoy winning. Look at other stereotypical male activities. From sports to fighting to cut-throat business, it’s all based on the battle. So put up a fight, and when, after a great deal of effort, he wins, you win.
Since the caveman days of hunting for survival, men have been hotwired to thrive on challenges. Men are just waiting for you to present them with an opportunity to prove their manliness. When you play hard to get, you give him that opportunity. You give him a goal that he has to reach and in this case, that goal is you.