How To Get A Guy To Like You
How To Get A Guy To Like You
If a guy catches your eye, you might imagine going out with him and how great it would be but find yourself unable to imagine how to ask him out in the first place. How do you get over that hurdle so you can go out on a date already?

Madison from Ashland, KY writes:
“There’s this guy who sits across the room from me in history class. I know him a little bit, but we have only talked a handful of times. At first I didn’t really pay much attention to him, but suddenly it’s halfway through the year and I realize I have this huge crush on him. I want to ask him out, but I’m afraid of embarrassing myself and don’t want to make the rest of the year awkward. What do I do?”
Hi Madison. There are a couple of ways you could approach this situation. One would be to simply ask the guy out, while the other would be to get to know him casually first and then ask him out. Neither way is really any less awkward than the other. Both can end disastrously, but both can also end marvelously! A third option might be to get to know someone else who already knows him—and casually find out if he has a girlfriend. If you already know he doesn’t, that’s a start!
See if you can figure out how he feels about you. If he seems friendly toward you at all, even if you think he doesn’t notice you, there is a possibility he likes you better than he may have let on. He may be just as shy as you are. It’s pretty often that two people really like each other and never end up going out because neither has the courage to bring it up.
Things could indeed get awkward if you ask him out and he doesn’t accept, but what do you really have to lose? At the end of the year, you’ll go your way and he’ll go his—the class will be over. At that time, at least you’ll know one way or another that you tried to pursue the possibility. Otherwise if you don’t ask, you’ll wonder for a long time what would have happened if you’d asked him out and he’d accepted. And maybe he will. So it’s better to ask and know for sure.
How do you actually pop the question? Once again there is no ‘right’ answer to this. If he seems like a direct person, then be direct about it. If not, maybe you can again try to get to know him a bit first and then casually ask if he’d like to go get lunch after school or something. Do your best not to make him uncomfortable. Just as there’s no ‘right’ way to do this though, the only ‘wrong’ thing would be never to ask at all if you really like him. So go for it and see what happens!
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