Month: March 2023

Top ten online dating advice Face it, online dating isn’t easy. But it can also be fun and exciting! To help you out, here are our top 10 online dating tips. Check them out! Figure out what you want If you don’t know what you really want or need, then it will take you just…

Top 10 positive conversation starters Nothing can be more disastrous on a date than running headfirst into the proverbial awkward silence. This article can help you avoid that by providing ten of the top conversation starters out there. When there’s nothing to talk about, there’s absolutely no reason to date. People can sit down and…

Top 5 dating deal breakers What are some of the biggest deal-breakers when it comes to dating? This article describes the characteristics and traits people consider most important when dating someone. Dating dislikes are a very personal. The things one person loves someone their mate can be the cause for divorce for another couple. You…

How to Snag a Date in 28 Days A month’s worth of tips to help you find that special someone! The news year is here! And if you happen to find yourself single, it can be less than joyful. With such an emphasis on togetherness, we are bombarded with the message that if we aren’t…