Online dating, find ways to soar past the competition and stand out from the crowd
Differentiating yourself from everyone else in your online pick up, while building attraction, is the key to dominating the online dating world
Most men sign up for online dating full of optimism and high hopes. Any why shouldn’t they? There aren’t much better things in life than being able to shop for the perfect woman any time of the day or night, all the while sitting in the comfort of your own home.
This sure beats having to spend loads of money every Friday and Saturday night at bars, just hoping to luck out and meet someone. And let’s face it, for those of us who don’t like bars, meeting a girl while walking around in our every day life isn’t exactly easy for those of us who aren’t born natural ladies men.

Online dating is the perfect solution, providing ample opportunities to all men out there regardless of age, ethnicity, or affiliations. There is literally something out there for everyone.
Unfortunately, often times the optimism and high hopes of men who sign up for online dating is quickly deflated by the fast realization that online dating is extremely competitive. Sometimes it can be extremely tough, if not downright agonizing, to receive a response to your emails.
Why? Men are visual creatures by nature. This means that most of us are tempted to initiate conversation with the same beautiful women. The end result? The same beautiful women are receiving dozens of emails per day, if not more. In fact, some of the best looking women will receive over a hundred emails per week.
This means one thing for us guys out there. Competition.
Does this mean that finding beautiful women is a hopeless cause? That we need to get extremely lucky in order to get a response to our online pick up?
Absolutely not.
keys to dominating the online dating world
What it does mean is that we must find ways to soar past the competition and stand out from the crowd. Differentiating yourself from everyone else in your online pick up, while building attraction, is the key to dominating the online dating world.
The following are three suggestions that can be tried in order to stand out from the competition:
Avoid weak language.
Most men want to meet a beautiful woman so badly that they unintentionally fill their emails with language that is a complete turnoff to beautiful women. Common mistakes are phrases such as, “Write me back if you’re interested.” “I hope to hear from your soon.” In the mind of a female you are already setting yourself up for rejection. Beautiful women are wired to respond to alpha male qualities. Switch these weak sounding statements in your online pick up to strong dominant language such as:“Throw me a message when you get a chance. Just don’t wait too long, I’m a highly sought after guy on this site. =P”“I’ll talk to you soon.”Now you are avoiding weak words such as “if” and “hope” and replacing them with strong confident words.
Build your alpha male qualities.
As stated in tip number one, alpha male qualities create high levels of attraction in females. This goes all the way back to evolutionary times.(1) Women are programmed to look for qualities in men that mark them as protectors. It is in their nature. So show these alpha male qualities in your online pick up by acting extremely confident, decisive, and in control of your thoughts. Beautiful women are used to people bending over backwards for them their whole life. Show that you are different and a leader among your peers. This is a highly attractive quality.
Be original.
Women instantly delete emails and messages that sound like canned messages. Many men write a generic message and spam it to 50 girls at a time. Women can spot these a mile away. If you want to impress and gain interest than find something unique in your potential dates profile to comment on. Make a joke about it and use humor to your advantage. These types of emails will help to push you way past the competition with your online pick up.
These are just three of the many ways that you could push past the competition. In actuality, there are 10 ways to build attraction based on qualities that have nothing to do with your looks. The key is using tactics like these to mark yourself as someone desirable and worth getting to know. Start with these three techniques and you will be on the path to a greater love life in not time.
- How To Find The Perfect Girl – dating advice
- How To Get A Girls Number – dating advice (