consider the following reasons at the first meet date
at firstmet dating consider the following reasons
You can never be too safe, especially when you are meeting an attractive stranger for a first date. The smart choice–meeting in a public place–is not always the decision we make, but one we always should.
The next time you consider offering your home address to a new love interest, first consider the following reasons not to:

A potential date is really someone you know nothing about. Until you get to know them, public meetings offer a cushion of safety that being alone in your house with them will not.
People vary in their view of drinking and driving. It’s not a good idea to put your life in the hands of someone who might drink one too many if they offer to drive you home. When you drive yourself, you are in charge of how much alcohol is consumed before you get in the car at the end of the date.
How Long the Date Lasts
Nothing is worse than a date that drags on too long. Meeting your date puts you in control of your arrival and, especially, your departure times.
You Don’t Have to Clean
Why clean when you don’t have to? If you invite a date to your house, you’re more likely to feel the need to clean up before he or she arrives. On the other hand, if you meet him or her elsewhere, there is no unnecessary stress or time spent cleaning.
The pressure of sex comes too soon as it is for most people. The temptation to progress to intimacy becomes more likely if your date drives you home. An innocent walk to the door can easily turn into premature sex.
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Remember, all hotties are not alike – protect yourself by keeping your home address private. That way, if your date turns out to be a creep, you won’t have to fret over who is knocking on your door each time your bell rings.