5 Tips how to make the best online dating profile
5 Tips how to write a dating profile for a man
As someone who has written the profiles of men all around the world, I am often asked the question, “What goes into creating a highly effective profile?”
People naturally want to know if there is a magic formula that will attract the opposite sex every time. The answer is yes and no. Creating an online dating profile that will attract the opposite sex can be done with ease. (Read: 5 Romantic Ways To Ask A Girl Out) However, it will only be effective if every other aspect of your online dating life is up to standard. This means that your messages and pictures must pass the test as well.

With that said, allow me to introduce to you the process by which I create profiles from all around the world!
start out by asking online daters up to 30 questions.
Each question is designed to get to know the most interesting aspects of the person whose profile is being written. Why? This is the best way to truly process who a person is, and what a person is all about. So if you are at home trying to create a profile, ask yourself interesting questions such as, “Where do I see myself in five years?” “What are my most exciting qualities?” Etc. Figuring out what makes you who you are is the first step.
take when writing profiles is using the process of elimination.
With close to thirty answers worth of responses, I gage the responses to see what will fit the best together, what will create the most attraction, and what information will be most interesting overall. Only the best of the best aspects of your past, present, and future will make the final cut. So scan your answers and ask yourself the question, “What will my potential dates find the most interesting about me?
will be to start organizing my information.
In essence, I create a rough draft. Start playing around with what you are writing and try to write in a manner that is fluent, coherent, and holds interest the whole time. There may be tons of great information, but a disorganized and illogical profile will not hold the readers interest. Especially in the fast-paced ADD driven world we live in these days!
Take everything you have written and start infusing attraction into it.
Men must understand what turns on women and vice versa. We need to use qualities in our writing that brings attraction to the forefront. For example, guys out there should be using plenty of humor, establish that they are extremely confident, and attempt to appear as if they are in high demand by females and society in general. Women should create attraction by writing interesting things about themselves and by showing that they are diverse. Many women tend to wrote overly simplistic profiles, knowing they will get responses simply because they are female. Do not do this. Take the time to spark that attraction!
Proof read.
The process doesn’t end when you complete your profile. It’s not complete until you have proof read it to death. On average, I will edit and change up a profile four or five times before the product is complete. It must sound absolutely perfect. In addition, any mistakes will make you appear lazy, and send negative signals to the opposite sex. So read the profile aloud to yourself a few times, and ask yourself the question, “Does I sound like a person someone would be interested in?”
When it comes down to it, all of us can write a masterful profile that will gain the attention of those we seek most. It mainly comes down to planning, effort, and more effort. Good luck!