Men, Here’s How To Make Your Woman The Happiest Girl In The World
How To Do To Make Your Girlfriend Happy
If you are a guy who is in a truly happy relationship then you should recognize just how lucky you are. Finding love is something that eludes many people, but it’s something that almost all of us are searching for and that many people would give their right arm for. If you find yourself in the fortunate position then to have someone who you truly love, then you would be a fool not to propose and make that love permanent.

You may conquer with the sword, but you are conquered by a kiss
When you do this though you need to realise that this is not about you, but about her. Your sole aim should be to make her as happy as she possibly can be, and that means thinking about how you can make this moment as special as possible – from the proposal, to the ring itself to the big day when you get married. Here we will look at how to do this.
When you read that last sentence your mind will probably have turned to grand ideas and huge displays of love. If you really want to spoil your girlfriend and make her feel special then you probably have ideas involving flash mobs, red arrows writing ‘marry me in the sky’ and bringing a famous pop star to serenade you both. Likewise you probably have ideas for a huge and bombastic wedding and the biggest rock you can possibly find to put on her finger.
While this is a great and understandable sentiment though, what you will probably find is that it’s not actually the way to her heart and that you can end up missing the mark a little. Ask yourself why you really want to go so over the top and you’ll probably find that it’s at least partly for your own ego. As a man you probably want to throw the biggest and best wedding/proposal/engagement party in the world because it will make you seem like a more impressive and more fantastic boyfriend than all the others. This is about measuring your manhood in terms of extravagance and it can turn into something of a competition between guys. If you feel like that though then this suggests that clearly you have lost sight of what should really matter on the big day – which is what she wants.

Many women for instance won’t want you to make a big scene when you propose because they’d rather have a smaller and more intimate moment. I know for instance that my girlfriend wants there to be a sunset when I propose, so there’s not really any room for my plan of flying up into the Earth’s atmosphere. This is about her though and not me, so it’s important that I keep that in mind.
Likewise I know my girlfriend doesn’t want a rock that’s too valuable because she says she’d be afraid to wear it. Of course I want to treat her to the most valuable ring in the world because she’s so valuable to me – but if she’s not going to appreciate it then that’s something I need to accept and come to terms with.
What will really win your girlfriend’s heart then is remembering the things she’s told you about her perfect day and her perfect proposal (it will have come up…) and then showing that you kept a note of them. This means involving a sunset if you know that’s what she wants, getting married in a church if she’s religious and avoiding single-stone engagement rings if she prefers to have several smaller ones.
Likewise you also need to think about making the whole process as stress free as possible. While a huge wedding may be great in theory, it also means that there’s more that can go wrong and more to keep an eye on which means it will be harder for you both to relax. Likewise a proposal that has lots of planes flying around and big name celebrities is just a recipe for disaster. Instead then, focus on having some alone time with your girlfriend and making it all as romantic and as calm as possible. Focus on her and make sure she knows how much you care by being there rather than showing off, and you can be sure she’ll feel loved and special.