Dating Short Men… One Woman’s Story
dating a shorter guy… One Woman’s Story
Read this week’s article featuring a story from a woman’s experience with dating shorter men.
I have a little story about my dating experiences with short men. I would never give them the time of day. I just couldn’t even think of dating someone shorter than I. I was afraid I would feel like his mom. And imagine how the poor guy would feel with me being 5′ 7 1/2″ tall? I would never even go out on a date with anyone unless they were 5′11″ or above.

Well, did I get my socks knocked off. I had met someone online. He seemed very nice and we must of talked for hours at a time. Some times 10 hours at a time. It only started out as friends. I didn’t even answer his first e-mail for a week, as he lived so far away [Canada] and was only 5′ 8 1/4″ tall. I live in the southern states and he just wasn’t my cup of tea. I had just gotten the computer and figured what the heck? He was all the way in Canada and I would NEVER have to see him as it was. It might be fun be friends with someone so far away. Well, after just a month of talking endlessly on the computer and the phone, he just seemed like someone that I just might want to meet. At some point, he started asking me to come for a visit since I had never been to Canada.
Within just 6 weeks of initially talking to him I was on an airplane -on my way to Canada (and soooooo nervous). I was thinking I must be crazy to be doing this. I slipped off and only told two people I was going. I knew I would catch the riot act from everyone, so I kept it all to my self except for these two friends. I was scared and nervous, yet at the same time excited. Well… when I got there, I was really disappointed. It seems that he was 1/2 or even 3/4″ shorter than he thought he was. I had to just get a grip on myself when I saw him. This was against everything I had ever believed in. How could I even pretend to have a good time as this guys date for the next 10 days? I just told myself to make the best of it. He looked fine, but not like the type I had ever dated. He kept asking me if I was disappointed – I said NOOOOOOOOO [such a liar I was].I don’t think I fooled him. Then we got in the car and headed off to our destination.
I was silent… just trying to put all these things he had said into perspective… meaning now I know who said them and what he really looks like. He was one of the kindest and nicest people I had ever known, much less dated. I started seeing what was inside of him, and you know… the rest didn’t really matter that much. AND don’t ever underestimate small men as lovers. Oh my gosh, I was in heaven. He was wonderful. It was then I realized that I had only had sex up until that point in my life -and I had just made love for the very first time at age 46. We had a wonderful 10 days together, even though I was a couple of inches taller than he was with my dress shoes on. If people looked at us at the mall or wherever we happened to be, I would just smile. I wasn’t ashamed to be with him even though he wasn’t the type that I had always dated – and I had even married a guy much taller than I. I would just smile back at these folks and was proud I was with this guy because I realized what a prize I had found in him. I cried when I had to leave him. I had never been so happy in my life. (Read: 3 Reasons Men Leave Women They Love)
Just two weeks had passed before he was making plans and reservations for me to return to Canada. This went on four times. We had decided we always wanted to be together and that we were each other’s soul mate. The one we had never found before. Needless to say, it did get very expensive to keep going back, and neither of us could afford it any longer. It just broke my heart that I couldn’t go there and live, as I have a sick mother that I must care for. So I am here doing that for now and we communicate via computer and computer phone.
He is not a citizen of Canada but from yet another country. He can’t come to the states because he can’t get a visa from Canada until he is a citizen there. And then there is a waiting period to get sworn in just like we have for immigrants here in the states before they can become a citizen. His paperwork is in order and hopefully will have this completed within the next six months or year and he will be a citizen of Canada. Then he will be able to obtain a visa to come here.
But I know we are still in each others hearts and that we will be together again one day, for he is the only one that has ever made me truly happy in my entire life. Oh, did I tell you I fell in love with Canada, too? It’s so beautiful there. I do want to live there one day when my life permits me to do so.
So… I would like to tell everyone this: Don’t disregard someone just because they are not the perfect blonde or the perfect hunk or shorter than you have ever liked your dates and mates to be. Your perfect mate might just be someone that you wouldn’t normally even look at twice. But I urge you get to know them and to keep an open mind, because you don’t know what kind of heart and soul they have or what a prize might lie within.
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